Police Exam Old Question paper - gkgujaratnews24


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Monday 24 September 2018

Police Exam Old Question paper

Police Exam Old Question paper

Police establishment in every district deemed to be one police force

The entire policeestablishment in every such district shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to be one policeforce, and shall be formally enrolled, and shall consist of such number of officers and men, and shall be constituted in such manner, as shallfrom time to time be ordered by the Government.

The pay and all other conditions of service of the members of such force below the rank of Deputy Superintendent shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be such as may be determined by the Government.

Members enrolled or appointed to one general policedistrict may be employed to other general policedistrict

It shall be lawful for the Government to employ members of the policeforce who have been enrolled in, or appointed to, any one general policedistrict, in any other general policedistrict In Bangladesh and the powers conferred on policeofficers by the code 1898, may be by them exercised in any portion of Bangladesh without reference to the local limits of the general policedistrict to which they may respectively belong.

InspectorGeneral of Police, etc

The administration of the police throughout a general policedistrict shall be vested in an officer to be styled the InspectorGeneral of Police and in such Deputy InspectorsGeneral and Assistant InspectorsGeneral as to the Government shall seem fit.

The administration of the police throughout the local jurisdiction of the Magistrate of the district shall, under the general control and direction of such Magistrate, be vested in a District Superintendent and such Assistant District Superintendents as the Government shall consider necessary.

Additional InspectorGeneral of Police, etc

The Government may, whenever necessary appoint an Additional InspectorGeneral of Police.

The Additional InspectorGeneral of Police so appointed shall discharge any of the functions of the InspectorGeneral of Police which the InspectorGeneral of Police may assign to him, and in the discharge of those functions, he shall exercise the same powers as the InspectorGeneral of Police.

Powers of InspectorGeneral Exercise of powers

The InspectorGeneral of Police shall have the full powers of Magistrate throughout the general policedistrict; but shall exercise those powers subject to such limitation as may from time to time be imposed by the Government.

Appointment, dismissal, etc, of inferior officers

Subject to such rules as the Government may from time to time make under this Act, the InspectorGeneral, Deputy InspectorsGeneral, Assistant InspectorsGeneral and District Superintendents of Police may at any time dismiss, suspend or reduce any policeofficer of the subordinate ranks whom they shall think remiss or negligent in the discharge of his duty, or unfit for the same.

Gujarat Police Department Constable / Lokrakshak Question Paper 2016  Click Here

 Final Answer key 2016  Click Here 

Gujarat Police Department Constable / Lokrakshak Question Paper  2015    Click Here

Provisional Answer key 2015     Click Here

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